Not one, but 5 benefits of eating Shrikhand for you!

June 8, 2020

Milkmor brings only those exclusive premium dairy products to you, which has a blend of health & taste. You must have seen a lot of instagram stories on milkmorindia page in the last few days, where people were stashing the shrikhand this summer and tagging us.

Indeed, that’s the original Indian dessert. Shrikhand was basically originated from Maharashtra around 400 B.C.E. Although major part of India is relishing it but it’s more close to the heart of Gujarat.

Below are the quick benefits of Shrikhand

  1. Good Source of Protien : Protien is essential to build muscles and for weight loss.
  2. Low Sodium Content : Shrikhand has lesser sodium content which is helpful for high blood pressure patients.
  3. Good Low Carb Alternative : Shrikhand has low carbs and which is ideal for the people struggling with high blood sugar.
  4. Good Probiotic : The fermented food increases the bio-availablity of minerals present in food and absorbs nutrition better. A healthy gut flora is responsible for good digestion, immunity & weight loss.
  5. Calcium : 100 gms of Shrikhand has upto 40 MG Calcium, which keeps your bones healthy.

Enjoy the Shrikhand from Milkmor (Flavors of Magic Mango & Royal Rajbhog). You can get fresh Nutritious & Delicious Shrikhand at your door-step. You can also order Ghee & Classic Paneer also. (Min. Order Val. Rs.450 for free delivery).

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